Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hand / Mocp Riggs

The past two years I have explored the world of rigging and wrote my own rigging scripts to make the process of rigging more time efficient. The first rig is made for hand animation and you can generate your own rig by just clicking a few buttons. the second rig is more complex and have the capabilities to blend different body parts on the rig between Mocap, FK and IK. And then Finally I wrote a user interface for that animators to make their lives a bit easier.

1 comment:

LEGOPIMP said...

Hey Dr Frank!

Some cool work ... curretnly studying animation myself, and looking to do a whole heap of MOCAP this semester. Any advice, tips or tricks you can share for setting up the rigs? Wanting to import the mocap data, then overlay it with IK/FK.

- Legopimp

ps Couldn't get the "Hand/Mocp Riggs" video to load, is it anywhere else? Or can it be reloaded?